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School Gardens

The school garden program as supported by the Food Council is now in it’s third year of existence. Originally supporting four schools in Franklin County, the program has expanded to now serve eight schools and over 950 students, ranging from grades PK-8. These schools are: Cascade Brook, Mallett and Mt Blue Middle Schools in RSU 9, Day Mountain Middle School, Kingfield Elementary, and Phillips Elementary Schools in MSAD 58, the Rangeley Lakes Regional School and the Stratton School.


The school garden coach delivers hands-on, interactive lessons in the garden on a regular basis in the fall and spring months, as well as a few lessons in classrooms throughout the winter. During the growing season, these standards aligned lessons focus on teaching students how to grow, care for, harvest, and even cook with food from the garden in an effort to promote a self-sustaining, healthy lifestyle! The winter lessons are focused on food and nutrition and include hands-on activities as well. 


This council is hopeful to continue to expand the school garden program to more schools and currently has capacity to do so.  If you are affiliated with a school in Franklin County and are interested in learning more, please reach out to the school garden coach, Laura Hoeft, at

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